The team became the Englewood Colts after being called the East Side
Athletic Club through 1916.
1917 Players: Denny Harrington (HB), W. Cornin (HB), Geathke (E),
Hughes (E), F. Corin (T), Stodden (T), McEnaney (T), Richards (G),
Bowers (G), F. Cobb (G), Bryant (G), Jensen (G), Hayfer (C), Johnson
(C), Laurendeau (QB), Butler (QB), Sundberg (QB), Wilkinson (HB),
Peterson (HB), Shulte (HB), Moffett (HB), Harrington (FB)
The South Side Athletic Club became the team sponsor for 1919 and played
under than moniker before returning to Englewood as the "Blues" in 1920,
a media reference to their blue uniforms.
1919 Players: Hughes (E), McGee (E), Colon (T), Wilkinson (G),
Cobb (C), Richards (G), W. Powers (T), Moffat (E), Butler (QB), Rundel
(HB), Denny Harrington (HB), Keisala (FB)
1919 All Butte Team: Richards (G),
Rundel (E), Keisala (FB)
1921 players: Denny Harrington (FB); Corin (E); Sam Spiegel (T); Buck O'Donnel
(G); Hughes (C); Cossett (G); "Tar" Barry (T); Buckley (E); Rundle (QB);
Linstrum (HB); Choinard (HB); Tommy Weir (FB - Gonzaga)
Following the '21 season All-Stars as selected by Jean Jordan included
1st Teamers: Barry (T); Tommy Weir (FB); and 2nd Teamers: Corin (E);
Speigel (T); Rundle (QB); and Barger (G)
1922 All Stars: Buck O'Donnell (G),
Speigel (T)
1924 All Stars: Bauers (G),
1925 was a rebuild as most of the old guard retired and new younger,
lighter players joined the team. The season reflected that youth
going 0-4.
1926 Players: Jack Davis (QB); Jim Sullivan (C); B. Davis (E), Richards
(T), Bruno (G), Henry Bato (G), Cromwell (T), Schultz (E), Rabey (HB),
Henry (HB), J. Smith (FB), Ellis (FB), Neary (T), Bauer (G), Bennett
1926 All Stars: R. Davis (E)
1927 All-Stars: "Stub" Schultz (T),
Honorable Mention: Brockman (T), O'Brien (G), Neary (G), Joe Meglen
(HB), Sullivan (C)
1929 Players included:
LE - Rabey
LT - Jaccard
LG - Sullivan
C - Penahuna
RG - Ambrossetti
RT - Clifford
RE - Shultz
QB - Keane (Capt)
HB - Joe Meglen
HB - Janhonen
FB - Ellis
RT - Healy
RG - Oscar Dahlberg
LE - Jerry Sullivan
QB - Ralph Olsen
1930 Players: "Red" Lewellyn (E), Oscar Dahlberg (T), Newton McDonald
(G), Nolan (C), "Tatic" Harrington (G), Larsen (T), Jerry Sullivan (E),
Bob Keane (QB), Ray Erickson (HB), Lattimer (HB), Joe Meglen (FB), Tommy
Penaluna (HB), Hans Taipt (E), Jim S. Sullivan (G), Brockman (G),
Casserly (E), Ralph Olsen (K), Bill Janhunen, Ed White, Jim Mann, Glen
Kelly, Charles Davis, John Ambrosetti, Bozo Bozinitz, Mike Casserly,
Mary Cromwell, Bill Leary, Oscar "Swan" Johnson, Vernon
"Pinky" McDonald, "Stub"
Shultz, Art Anderson, Phil Brocklin, Dick Rogers, George Walsh, J.
Baker, F. Cowan,
1930 All-Stars: Jerry Sullivan (E),
Oscar Dahlberg (T), Ralph Olsen (QB) Second Team: Joe Meglen (HB),
1931 Players:
E - Schultz,
T - Newton MacDonald,
G - John Sullivan,
C - Nolan,
G - S. Sullivan,
T - Brockman,
E - Rabey,
QB - "Pitts" Nevin,
HB - Jerry Sullivan,
HB - Janhunan,
FB - Ray Erickson,
1931 All-Stars: John Sullivan (G),
Jerry Sullivan (HB), Second Team: Brockman (T), Nolan (C)
Jerry Sullivan went on to start with the University of Washington
freshman team in 1932.
1932 All Stars: Satter (HB), Second
Team: Nolan (T), Hans Taipt (T), Honorable Mention: O'Blizalo (E), Slats
Sullivan (G), Snell (HB), Janhunen (HB)
1933 Players: Ellis (E), Holland (T), "Slats" Sullivan (G), Nolan (C),
Strausser (G), Brockman (T), Boynan (E), Buckley (QB), Janhunen (HB),
Latimer (HB), Kelly (FB)
1933 All-Stars: Nolan (G), Holland
(T), Ray Erickson (HB), Second Team: Brockman (T), Slats Sullivan (G),
Ellis (E), Honorable Mention: Culberton (E), Buckley (QB), Janhunen (HB)
1934 Players: Holliday (E), Taipt (T), E. Sullivan (G), Nolan (C),
Malesick (G), Holland (T), Boynan (E), O'Neill (QB), Janhunen (HB),
Gayeski (HB), Joe Meglen (FB)
During six seasons with Englewood, Joe Meglen went back east to play
with Georgetown University (1932-35) where he was the star of the show
in a 13-0 win over Manhattan. Meglen scored both TD's, kicked the
extra point, punted for 60, 70 and 80 yards as well as made "bone
shattering" tackles as a linebacker on defense. He went on to be a
9th Round Draft pick of the Pirates (Steelers) in 1936.
1935 Players: O'Blizzalo (E), McCullom (T), Emmett Sullivan (G), Nolan
(C), Williams (G), Malesick (T), Cullerton (T), O'Neil (QB), George Dubois
(HB), Kelly (HB), Vic O'Leary (FB), McArthur (G), Holland (E), Beaudry
(T), Hensley (HB), Johnny Dixon (QB), Lubick (E), Lyons (E), Collier (T)
Vic O'Leary played professionally with the St. Louis/KC Blues prior to
joining Englewood for the 1935 season.
1936 Players: Hanson (E), Hockaday (T), Williams (G), McArthur (C),
Curran (G), Molan (T), Cullerton (E), Dixon (QB), Murphy (HB), Aro (HB),
Dubois (FB), Antak (E), Thomas (QB),
1937 Players: Cullerton (E), Holland (T), Antak (G), Johnson (C),
Phondorf (G), Bellangi (T), Mitchell (E), McGrath (QB), Kore (HB),
Freebourn (HB), Frank Meglen (FB), D. McCarthy (HB), M. Arthur (C),
Datty (E), Martino (E), A. Hockaday (T), Dixon (QB), Dosen (HB), Thomas
(FB), McFayden (G), B. Hockaday (G), Piersall (C), Donovan (T), Babic
Frank Meglen would play 2 years at Georgetown University (1938-1939)
1939 Players:
HB - P. Dozen (Portland University)
HB - Sparks (Montana University)

8000 came out to watch Englewood take on the Reno, Nevada City Team on
Nov 26, 1939.
1940 Players: Mitchell (E), Gaffney (T), Roy Matson (G), B. Crnich (C),
Banfield (G), Ryan (T), Van Hamm (E), McGrath (QB), Bjorkman (HB),
Pederson (HB), Meglen (FB)
1941 Players Included:
William "Bill" Pedersen (QB), George "Petey" DuBois (HB), Coyne (G/HB), Van Hamm
(FB), Nick (E), Antak (G), Ryan (E), Woody (G), Roy Matson (C), Banfield
(HB/G), McElroy (T), Murphy (T), Tommy Laird (E), Nich (E), McGrath
(HB), R. Pederson (E)
George DuBois would score and kick the goal in his final game, a 19-6
win over Anaconda on Nov 2, just 10-days before he was to report for
military duty. George had been a Blue for seven seasons. |
1917 Schedule/Results (0-1-1): |